
  • 200.000+ hours of e-commerce experience
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  • With over 250+ stores built we are a premium Magento Commerce development project.
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  • Learn more about everything that happens in the AI world and how it effects E-commerce landscape.
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  • 60% guaranteed discount on our regular price per hour
  • 10 years of experience in Magento
  • Dutch contact available
  • Dedicated team experienced in Magento support
  • 98% of our customers are from the Netherlands
  • Monthly hours reserved only for your webshop(s)


February 4, 2023 by admin

6 Conversion Mistakes and Best Solutions to Improve Conversion Rate on Your E-commerce Website

Low conversion rates in an E-commerce store can be a frustrating and costly problem. However, understanding the reasons behind low co...
February 2, 2023 by admin

Create a Magento webshop. What should you pay attention to?

Table of Contents (clickable with anchor link): Introduction What is Magento?
January 17, 2023 by admin

How to Treat Customers Like Kings with E-commerce Personalization? + 5 Best Personalization Tools

Personalization has become an essential strategy for E-commerce businesses looking to stand out in a, let’s face it, very crowded m...
January 9, 2023 by admin

Hyvä vs PWA: What is the Best Choice For You? (it’s probably Hyvä)

Web Applications are one of the loudest trends today. Smooth user experience, better performance, and faster time to market are just ...
December 26, 2022 by admin

7 eCommerce Trends for 2023

The world of eCommerce is constantly evolving, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends and developments. As we approach the end of the year, it's a good...
December 20, 2022 by admin

Why Hyvä Theme is Important?

We have been working with Magento since 2007 when it was still called Varien. And we just love the flexibility, scalability, and extensibility of Magento. Also, Mage...
December 9, 2022 by admin

5 ways AI is changing the eCommerce landscape

The eCommerce landscape has been revolutionized by advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, allowing businesses to increase profits, improve customer exp...
November 11, 2022 by admin

A good Hyvä Developer: a little checklist

First of all – great to know you have decided to join the Hyvä Hype :-). It's a tr...
Discover Hyvä, the Magento game-changer that will transform your webshop. Learn more here.